What is a Shared Report, and how can it be set?

A shared report is basically the Overview (URL View) & Daily View pages, combined (URL stats, an overview report, and a daily breakdown report) which can be shared by you. 

You can generate a link and give it to your clients or colleagues.

The settings are accessed from the left menu: Reports Center > Shared tab.

When entering, you'll see a table of your current set of shared reports, and an "Add New Report" button at the top-right corner.

Adding a new shared report:

Shared report settings are very flexible. Click the "Add New Report" button, fill out the form, and select which data you want the report to include.

Report Name:  Give a name to this report. 

Password:  Add a password (optional) if you want the report to be password protected.

Language: Select the language for the report.

Active: If set to "Off" the report will be deactivated.

Template: Select a custom template from your templates. The color scheme will be applied in the live report and the full template on PDF downloads.

Expiration (in days):  How many days you would like this link to be alive, or lave empty for no expiration. .

What to share: URL or Group. A report for which URL or URLs Group to include.

Allow download: On/Off, and of which formats (PDFCSV or XLSX).

Include Stats:  Whether to include the stats box in the report.

Display: Select what data to display - Overview only/Daily only/Overview & Daily

Filter: Set additional filtering parameters (What are the data filtering options?) or leave empty to display all the results for the selected URL/group. 

Columns & Sorting: Select what columns to display and in what place.

Terms order by: Set the terms order, Ascending or Descending.

Once you have set up the shared reports, you can perform the following actions:

Link:  Get the link of this report

Edit:  Edit the report's settings

Duplicate:  Duplicate a report and all it's settings

  Delete this report
